Cat Ears? Seriously?!

How do you expect us to take you seriously whilst wearing those dumbass cat ears? Would anyone take the news seriously if the anchors wore those headbands from naruto?

Tonight at 9:00/8:00 PM EST, Bruce Shaw (pictured above) discusses the United States' current relationship with the Middle East as ISIS gains influence...why are you guys laughing? This is serious!!
Misplaced Priorities

Holy fucking shit dude, of all the things that could go wrong in the FF7 remake, you had to be worried about Tifa's boobs? Seriously?! I have seen the combat, cinematics, design of the characters, all of that, and that's how I don't give a shit about Tifa's boobs at all. Hell, if they got sized down, but the remake is better than PS1, then I'd be fine. Nobody gives a shit!
Test your Icicles

I don't know, that sounds pretty sexual to me.
And your a dumbass

Judging from you profile picture, I can assume you were too young back in the PS2 days that you might've thought the PS2 was this big black box of magic or some shit, but in my day, there was one game on it that started an entire controversy, and that was Grand Theft Auto III. In fact, some douchebag lawyer from Florida wanted to make a huge case out of it, or get it banned. So violent video games have always been criticized, dumbass! Why should we stop harassing games with breasts and only criticize violent video games? That makes no sense.
I like how you ended one sentence. And began another with and. Did you get that from the DSP school of grammar? If that's the case, then your grammar is bugged.
The Jewluminazis

What the fuck does the government have to do with this? They stopped trying to legislate video games since Jack Thompson became irrelevant in 2008. This is merely a nontroversy played up by neckbeards like you on the #BoobsNotBlood side and awesome people like me on the #BloodNotBoobs side. Also, from looking at your profile pic, I am way more handsome than you.
Unfinished Profile Pic

Uh, sir, your profile pic isn't rendered completely. Maybe instead of posting bullshit like that on Twitter, I think you should finish your fucking profile picture.
No, blood is better

Hmm, I don't remember boobs carrying oxygen to the rest of the body, or healing any cuts by forming boob-clots, or fighting off bacterial infections or anything like that.

What? Equality? Equality is between people, not games.
Hey guys, wanna watch some Hentai?!

Are you sure that's proof of a "double standard" or are you just showing your room mates weird porn that they don't wanna see?
My Fictional Character's Better anyway

Ezra Scarlet doesn't exist, douchelord! Just like Gamergate, you use fictional characters to push your bullshit agenda. Why? You don't see me doing that.

Alucard supports #BloodNotBoobs because he's awesome and kicks ass. If you don't know who he is, then stop reading and watch some fucking Hellsing you twat! If Ezra Scarlet were to face off against Alucard, he would kill Ezra in a gruesome, awesome way. Besides, Fairy Tail sucks.
Nope, not even close!

Ooooh, sorry, but the correct answer was this:

Maoist Approved

Is that Ahuviya Harel? I didn't know one of the Internet's famous assclowns would support that hashtag. I wonder what other assclown will.

New Jack Thompson?!

Well, fuck you, dude! Are you saying that a majority of best selling games (which are violent, by the way, and they let you do immoral, criminal shit in it) should be banned?! Well, if that happens, then all we'd be left with is sports and your favorite waifu dating sim games on Twitch, and Twitch would crash and burn if they did that, so fuck you Iron-Ant!

Far more Natural

That statement is just plain stupid, because extreme violence also exists, dipshit! People get mauled by animals, or even I would punch you in the face right now, that's natural.
Junk food for Thought

*fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap*
Oh, sorry. I was just masturbating furiously to the blood and dead bodies...aren't I wonderfully fucked up?
Also, by saying "this. Or this." Are you saying we should think about some chick's ass, then decided mid-sentence that we should think about blood and gore? Could it be that you need grammar, or do you need to make up your mind about what we should think?
Yeah, food for thought alright. If this is supposed to be food for thought, then I would chalk it up to Doritos and Mt. Dew for thought.

Over-violence sounds pretty cool, but sexuality over violence? That's not cool.
Aliens Among Us?

Yeah, this is some straight-up hentai for a profile pic, we all know what we're in for.

Okay, so what I'm getting from this bio is that you're a 23 year old dude from Venus...okay♂
Why are you suddenly a closet author? What, is writing looked down on Venus?

"Wanna-be Otaku" is stupid. What, you're not cool enough to be an otaku? Yeah, I sure wish I could be some socially awkward loser who argues which waifu is better on Reddit on my mom's computer while shoving a metric fuck ton of doritos and mountain dew down my disgusting gob, but alas, here I am living on my own and getting an education and all. Sure sucks to be me, right?
A Breast Fanatic? Well, judging from that, I would assume you have a shit ton of restraining orders against you. No one calls themselves that. I wouldn't call myself a "dick-fanatic" or everyone would assume I'm voting for Trump.

Breast-Fanatic IRL
Then we have Avid Reader. Yeah, I'm sure there are professions somewhere in the universe for an avid reader. I would know, because I graduated with a degree in avid reading, so I'm sure they'll have jobs for you on Antares. Too bad they don't tolerate sexual harassment, so you're still unemployed.
I don't know what "Oppai Lolicon" means, but I'm assuming it's Greek for "I'm not allowed within 50 yards of my nearest elementary school."
So there we have it, an avid reading Venusian pedophile author and creep with a windowless van. So I decided to enter this user's name in the Intergalactic Sex Offender Registry, and found out that this picture is the user I'm talking about.

"Hey kids, want some candy?"
If you see this creature anywhere on Earth, report to Area 51 immediately, this creature may be armed and dangerous...okay, maybe not.
For Good Reason

Due to their sexual content? Okay, maybe that, or the games you mentioned suck.
Fear sex, pitiful human!

What?! We don't fear sex, especially me, a guy who can get sex, unlike the people who hashtagged BoobsNotBlood.
Captain Obvious Strikes Again

Oh, really? What else did you find out? The sky is blue, water is wet, fire is hot, My Little Pony sucks? Gee, I sure wish I had your insight right now, because I would have never thought of that.

What? No! It's perfect the way it is!

No, you need to lighten up.

No we don't:

Isn't That the point?

It's Mortal Kombat, what'd you expect? Also, why are you watching JackSepticEye? That's like hashtagging boobsnotblood...oh wait, I just answered my own question.

My English is gooder than you are is. in having an IQ of 85? That would be the equivalent of the combined IQs of 85 Hand Egg Players

Are you watching the same video I was watching? Because nothing says intelligent like putting your avatar between a pair of some anime character's tits. How the fuck is that Intelligent?!
If that's what you call intelligent, then I don't wanna know what your definition of stupid is.

No, seriously...



I'm Out
No, this isn't some social issue. No, this isn't a double standard. Face it, no one wants to see or play waifu games at all. Violent video games are here to stay, over-sexualized games aren't. Get over it, you stupid pudgy-faced, goatee having, backwards baseball cap wearing wapanese fuckbiscuit with problem glasses, you ain't changing shit.

What, you thought I was making all this up? This is what he really looks like.
Seriously, you dipshits on your moron high-horse tweeting this bullshit need to get a real job that doesn't involve screaming at a camera everytime you play Five Nights At France...except the pedophile from Venus, you'll find no work in the universe with that record on you. Sure sucks to be you.
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